Friday 7 November 2014

Accutane - Worth it?


If you read my rather lengthy previous post, you will know that I have been a long sufferer of the Red Plague that is acne. If you've read that post you will also know that currently, the treatment I am now using to battle the blemishes is Accutane.

As Accutane is a heavily controlled drug with many side effects, my family and friends were concerned when I told them I was going to take this drug. They all agree on one thing though - my skin looks better than ever, Alhamdulillah. So in this post we will aim to answer that million dollar question; was it all worth it?

Accutane - a debrief

Accutane is a form of vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil released by oil glands in your skin, and helps your skin renew itself more quickly, thereby eliminating acne. It dries you out crazily - your face, lips, hands, insides, everything. You have to avoid ALL sunlight, or face serious pain later. More seriously, it causes severe birth defects in pregnant women, so when taking Accutane, you have to take two forms of contraception. That all said, something like 60% of people never get acne again after using it. 90% report success after a second course of treatment. If you're nerdy like me and like to research, check out this link > PubMed
I was referred by my GP to a Dermatology clinic in a local hospital around February 2014. My wedding was April 2014, and I knew I wasn't going to be clear by that date but I needed skin clarity.  To even be referred by your GP you have had to tried everything else they have to offer; antibiotics, topical treatments, the Pill. 
The Dermo Dr was awesome, took a look at me and was happy to let me take the drug. I had to however have a blood test, as Accutane can seriously mess up your kidneys and liver. You need to have your cholesterol monitored throughout the treatment. I got the all clear and got my first set of tablets a few months later (yay NHS waiting times!). My dose started off as 20mg, and slowly was increased to 60mg.
I noticed an improvement almost immediately. I mean it, it was a week in and I looked goooood! I tracked my face religiously using an app called Epi Tracker
I was becoming dry though. My lips were cracking and my usual all over body moisturiser wasn't doing it for me. As the months went on, this got worse, the main problem being my lips. I switched from Cherry Chapstick which I had used for years, to Carmex, to Sudocream, but only found solace in an amazing product called Aquaphor. I noticed small red rashes on my arms as well, that disappeared when I liberally applied Eucerin Intensive. One of the Pixiwoo sisters uploaded this onto her instagram as a leg cream and boy was she right. I switched from Neutrogena's Oil Free to Superdrugs Vitamin E oil which worked a treat. Anyways lets break it down and cut the story short.
The Good Bits
- No more oily face. Makeup went on better, and looked better
- Able to widen my foundation horizon. Previously I had to avoid almost everything, save my Nars Sheer Matte Foundation and my Inika Mineral Face Powder. I was no longer allergic to everything in the Debenhams beauty department.
- No more acne! 

The Bad Bits
- Dry, cracking lips. Some days I looked like a human gone wrong
- A really bad rash on my hand that would cause me to end my treatment sooner than planned.
- Dry skin all over my body was something I wasn't used too. I had to cream 24/7.
- My eyes couldn't take sunlight or bright lights, everything became a blur. My husband had to get used to a room that resembled a cave.
-Back ache. Again, something I wasn't used too. It hurt :(
- Severe headaches. These were worse when I hadn't drunken enough water. 
- Not being able to exercise as your bones will punish you the next day. Don't bother to try it.
- Have to watch what you eat and keep your cholesterol down
- Not being able to wax or epilate, and all the bad stuff that comes with shaving.
- Bloody stools

- Nightmares
- Can cause severe birth defects, have to be extra cautious.
In the end, after 4/5 months of the drug, the bad outweighed the good. Although I am now 100% clear, the side effects became too much for me to bear. The rash on my hand became scabby and a little painful. After 5 months, the paranoia of potential birth defects took over. I missed the gym, and I'm pretty sure my body wants me to stop abusing it and go back. Plus the constant blood tests were kind of annoying. If I didn't have clear skin, I would probably carry on with the drug. Its worked amazingly for me and I really hope my skin stays this way. I wouldn't have ever been able to dream of applying a product such as Vitamin E oil onto my skin without fear of a breakout, but Accutane has changed all that.
Would I do it again? Yes. Call me crazy, and many people do, but for someone whose life has been plagued by bad skin, Accutane was a saviour. 
Would I recommend it? Yes, I would. If you are an adult, AN ADULT, with acne and you have tried everything else.
What advice would I give to others? Drink water. Loads of it. Take a tablet with each meal as Accutane needs fat to work. Invest in products such as Eucerin and Aquaphor. 

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